Mary Magdalene's My Heart is Your Heart Meditation Solfeggio 432Hz and 639Hz

E. Craig Hendricks

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The directive from Mary for this meditation came through a Magdalene Sister, Brook M. Foster DC, during a group meditation. During the meditation, Mary spoke directly to Brook. Mary's words, “My heart is your heart, your heart is my heart”, began a chain of activity and channeling that resulted in this latest Meditation from Mary. It is a

The directive from Mary for this meditation came through a Magdalene Sister, Brook M. Foster DC, during a group meditation. During the meditation, Mary spoke directly to Brook. Mary's words, “My heart is your heart, your heart is my heart”, began a chain of activity and channeling that resulted in this latest Meditation from Mary. It is a beautiful meditation that reflects on who we are and what we are. It is a meditation on the whole of Creation and the relationship we all have with our Creator. At the end of the meditation, Mary leaves us with a perfect connection to our true family and the universe within the Song of our Creator.

All instruments playing these Solfeggio frequencies are tuned in ancient 432 Hz and 639 Hz. The background music at 432 Hz supports deep focus, energy healing, channeling, and concentration. The Heart Chakra frequency of 639 Hz is added to promote love, relationship, and connection.

This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not listen to this recording while operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle. Background music has been acquired on license from Stock Media provided by Doczky / Pond5

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Charging Healing Energy into Water and Homes: Beta Binaural Beats

Craig Hendricks

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This meditation was developed as an aid to assist team members in charging containers of water and residences with the healing intentions RECOVERED, REJUVENATED, RESTORED, HEALED, EMPOWERED, STRENGTHENED, RENEWED, AND ONENESS. The background music is a Beta Binaural Beats that enhances the listener to keep attention focused; analytical thinking

This meditation was developed as an aid to assist team members in charging containers of water and residences with the healing intentions RECOVERED, REJUVENATED, RESTORED, HEALED, EMPOWERED, STRENGTHENED, RENEWED, AND ONENESS. The background music is a Beta Binaural Beats that enhances the listener to keep attention focused; analytical thinking and solving problems; stimulating energy and action; and, high-level cognition.

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Mary's Path to Your Higher Self 528 Hz Solfeggio

E. Craig Hendricks

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This meditation was given to me by Mary Magdalene to help the Creator's Children to climb the Tree of Ascension and remember their Higher Self. The background music is a beautiful score operating at 528 HZ Solfeggio frequency that supports your journey to return to your Higher Self. Do not listen to this meditation while operating heavy equipment.

This meditation was given to me by Mary Magdalene to help the Creator's Children to climb the Tree of Ascension and remember their Higher Self. The background music is a beautiful score operating at 528 HZ Solfeggio frequency that supports your journey to return to your Higher Self. Do not listen to this meditation while operating heavy equipment. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Stock Media provided by jjessep / Pond5

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Angel Energy Healing Intentions 417/528 Hz Solfeggio & Alpha Binaural Beats

E. Craig Hendricks

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This meditation connects the listener to the Source of all Healing Energies and their Healing Angels, facilitating reprogramming, healing, revival, restoration, empowerment, strengthening, and rejuvenation of personal energy. The background music features 417 Hz and 528 Hz Solfeggio frequencies to support healing, along with an Alpha Brain Wave

This meditation connects the listener to the Source of all Healing Energies and their Healing Angels, facilitating reprogramming, healing, revival, restoration, empowerment, strengthening, and rejuvenation of personal energy. The background music features 417 Hz and 528 Hz Solfeggio frequencies to support healing, along with an Alpha Brain Wave binaural beats track to enhance focus during practice. Do not listen to this meditation while operating heavy equipment. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Stock Media provided by jjessep / Pond5

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Journey to Sanctuary and Higher Self Guidance Gamma Binaural Beats

E. Craig Hendricks

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This meditation has a profound impact on the participants. Our participants find it leads to various unique and transformative experiences. These experiences ranged from encounters with figures like angels, other transcendent-like beings, and even past acquaintances to deep dives into inner landscapes, channels of energy, and a sense of unity with

This meditation has a profound impact on the participants. Our participants find it leads to various unique and transformative experiences. These experiences ranged from encounters with figures like angels, other transcendent-like beings, and even past acquaintances to deep dives into inner landscapes, channels of energy, and a sense of unity with higher selves. For many of our participants the meditation seems to open up different doors and perspectives for each individual, allowing them to explore their inner realms and discover meaningful insights.

Use of gamma brainwave binaural beats in the background adds an interesting dimension to the meditation, possibly contributing to the active mental engagement and the transcendent states some participants experienced. The interconnectedness of these experiences and the synchronicities that emerged during the sharing session further highlight the power of guided meditation to tap into the subconscious and explore the depths of the mind.

Overall, this meditation contributes to creating a thought-provoking and enlightening session that contributes to inner growth and self-discovery through meditation.

Music Crown Chakra Note B by rebeccareads Item #114132850

This recording is to be used for entertainment purposes only. Do not use this recording while driving a vehicle or operating heavy equipment. Stock Media provided by rebeccareads / Pond5

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Higher Self Access to Joy, Love, and Healing

Craig Hendricks

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This Guided meditation takes the spiritual adventurer to your Higher Self to access that place of perfect Joy, Love, and Healing that you still hold in your memory. The background score is an intense meditation music incorporating 852 HZ Solfeggio Love Frequency. This Guided Meditation is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be used while

This Guided meditation takes the spiritual adventurer to your Higher Self to access that place of perfect Joy, Love, and Healing that you still hold in your memory. The background score is an intense meditation music incorporating 852 HZ Solfeggio Love Frequency. This Guided Meditation is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be used while operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle.

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Return to Love 43 Hz Gamma Brainwave Binaural Beats

Craig Hendricks

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During this meditation, participants are encouraged to recall a moment in their life where they experienced perfect love; when they felt deep love, whether for themselves or others. By immersing themselves in these feelings, individuals can cultivate a sense of self-love and extend compassion to others. Love meditation can promote emotional

During this meditation, participants are encouraged to recall a moment in their life where they experienced perfect love; when they felt deep love, whether for themselves or others. By immersing themselves in these feelings, individuals can cultivate a sense of self-love and extend compassion to others. Love meditation can promote emotional healing, reduce negative emotions, and improve one's relationships with themselves and others. Our background instrumental designed for this meditation resonates with the Heart Chakra and it contains a Binaural Beat frequency at 43 Hz to access a Gamma Brainwave State supporting the enhanced memory, focus, and concentration helping to induce a meditative state that has been associated with connecting to a transcendent experience. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not listen to this recording while operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle. Background music has been acquired on license from matt_gerry/Pond5.

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Journey to Heart Space and Sanctuary Theta Binaural Beats

E.. Craig Hendricks

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This guided meditation will allow the user to access their Inner Space to access guidance from their Higher Self. The background music is a healing, calming meditative music using THETA BINAURAL BEATS to enhance focus. This meditation is for personal entertainment use only and is not to be used while operating Heavy equipment or driving a car.

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Healing Meditation with Angels in 90 Hz Entrainment Gamma & 528 Hz Solfeggio

Craig Hendricks

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This Healing Meditation was provided by Mary Magdalene. Background music includes 90 Hz Brainwave entrainment to access a Gamma Brainwave state enhancing connection to our Angel Healing Energies. Additionally, I have also mixed in a 528 Hz Solfeggio Healing musical piece including sea waves that is perfect for spiritual journeying and healing

This Healing Meditation was provided by Mary Magdalene. Background music includes 90 Hz Brainwave entrainment to access a Gamma Brainwave state enhancing connection to our Angel Healing Energies. Additionally, I have also mixed in a 528 Hz Solfeggio Healing musical piece including sea waves that is perfect for spiritual journeying and healing therapy. Stock Media provided by TeraMangalaMeditationMusic / Pond5 and Doczky/Pond5. Do not listen to this meditation while operating heavy equipment. This meditation is for entertainment purposes.

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Letter from God

E. Craig Hendricks

This is a letter from God given to Penny Wittbrodt as told in an Anthony Chene Production. I recorded this because it is a wonderful reflection of what many members of our group are experiencing about the very nature of God. My own experience of meeting with God speaks of the very same understanding of who and what God is and our relationship with

This is a letter from God given to Penny Wittbrodt as told in an Anthony Chene Production. I recorded this because it is a wonderful reflection of what many members of our group are experiencing about the very nature of God. My own experience of meeting with God speaks of the very same understanding of who and what God is and our relationship with that Infinite Intelligence. So, I recorded it because I could not say it better than the words shared by Penny.

I have added a 100 Hz background music-scape that includes 6 Hz Theta binaural beats pattern to enhance focus. The Publisher of the Music was Thinkroot Records composed by Kara Square and was acquired thru Pond5. This recording is not to be played while operating heavy equipment or while driving a vehicle. The recording is for entertainment purposes only.

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Return to Joy Meditation

Craig Hendricks

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During this meditation, participants are encouraged to recall a moment in their life where they experienced perfect JOY; when they felt deep JOY, whether for themselves or others. Joy meditation involves exploring the emotions of joy and happiness. Participants are guided to recollect a past experience that brought them genuine joy and happiness.

During this meditation, participants are encouraged to recall a moment in their life where they experienced perfect JOY; when they felt deep JOY, whether for themselves or others. Joy meditation involves exploring the emotions of joy and happiness. Participants are guided to recollect a past experience that brought them genuine joy and happiness. This may include moments of personal achievement, connection with loved ones, or simple pleasures. By reliving these joyful experiences, individuals can tap into the positive emotions associated with them. Practicing joy meditation can boost mood, increase overall happiness, and help individuals appreciate the beauty of life's simple pleasures. The secret is bringing those feelings or emotions you experienced and remember into your life today. Then, apply that same feeling of perfect JOY to your life right now in every circumstance you find yourself in.

This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not listen to this recording while operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle.

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Creation of Energy Field of Love, Joy, and Peace for the Home and Family 852 Hz Solfeggio

Craig Hendricks

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This meditation supports establishing an Intentionality Domain of Love, Joy, and Peace surrounding your family home creating a field energy of Love, Joy, and Peace for everything and everyone within your residence. The meditation contains a background score comprised of 852 HZ Solfeggio frequency to enhance connection to a deep mindfulness state.

This meditation supports establishing an Intentionality Domain of Love, Joy, and Peace surrounding your family home creating a field energy of Love, Joy, and Peace for everything and everyone within your residence. The meditation contains a background score comprised of 852 HZ Solfeggio frequency to enhance connection to a deep mindfulness state. Do not listen to this meditation while operating heavy equipment. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Stock Media provided by Pond5

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Mary Magdalene's Heart Space Journey with Enhanced Healing 417 Hz Solfeggio & Beta Binaural Beats

E. Craig Hendricks

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This meditation has been provided by Mary Magdalene to support the meditator’s rediscovery of love, joy, and peace by taking that Spiritual Adventure to reconnect with the Spirit. Background music includes 417 Hz Solfeggio frequency to support personal transformation and Beta Brain Wave Binaural Beats to enhance focus during the meditation. This

This meditation has been provided by Mary Magdalene to support the meditator’s rediscovery of love, joy, and peace by taking that Spiritual Adventure to reconnect with the Spirit. Background music includes 417 Hz Solfeggio frequency to support personal transformation and Beta Brain Wave Binaural Beats to enhance focus during the meditation. This meditation has also been linked to an advanced Healers Session through a registration recording that enhances the guided meditation experience by entering into the Energy Field of the Healers.

Do not listen to this meditation while operating heavy equipment. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Stock Media provided by Pond5

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Journey through Your Third Eye Gamma Binaural Beats 43 Hz

E. Craig Hendricks

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This meditation supports the individual’s journey through the Third Eye energy center that functions as a doorway to your higher Consciousness. While many use this meditation to access a higher dimension to meet with their friends and family who have transitioned, the Third Eye portal can be used to discover and explore other realms of

This meditation supports the individual’s journey through the Third Eye energy center that functions as a doorway to your higher Consciousness. While many use this meditation to access a higher dimension to meet with their friends and family who have transitioned, the Third Eye portal can be used to discover and explore other realms of consciousness that will support the spiritual adventurer’s opportunity for self-discovery and growth. The background music for this track stimulates the Heart Chakra as it contains a binaural beat at 43 HZ that helps to induce a meditative state of Inner Peace. Holding this inner peace is essential to exploring all the possible realms of discovery that one can open through the Third Eye while using this meditation. Composer Woozle/Pond5.

This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not operate heavy equipment or drive a vehicle while listening to this meditation.

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Mary Magdalene's My Heart is Your Heart Meditation Solfeggio 432Hz and 639Hz EXTENDED VERSION

E. Craig Hendricks

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Because of the direct experience of ONENESS with Spirits and Angels I achieved through the use of this meditation, I have added an additional 10 minutes of background score without guidance for the purpose of the meditator to participate in an extended time within Mary's Domain for direct interaction with Spirits and Angels. The directive from

Because of the direct experience of ONENESS with Spirits and Angels I achieved through the use of this meditation, I have added an additional 10 minutes of background score without guidance for the purpose of the meditator to participate in an extended time within Mary's Domain for direct interaction with Spirits and Angels. The directive from Mary for this meditation came through a Magdalene Sister, Brook M. Foster, DC, during a group meditation. During the meditation, Mary spoke directly to Brook. Mary's words, “My heart is your heart” and “Your heart is my heart”, began a chain of activity and channeling that resulted in this latest Meditation from Mary. It is a beautiful meditation that reflects on who we are and what we are. It is a meditation on the whole of Creation and the relationship we all have with our Creator. At the end of the meditation, Mary leaves us with a perfect connection to our true family and the universe within the Song of our Creator. All instruments playing these Solfeggio frequencies are tuned in ancient 432 Hz and 639 Hz. The background music at 432 Hz supports deep focus, energy healing, channeling, and concentration. The Heart Chakra frequency of 639 Hz is added to promote love, relationship, and connection. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not listen to this recording while operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle. Background music has been acquired on license from Stock Media provided by Doczky / Pond5

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Healing Angels Meditation 43 HZ GAMMA Binaural Beats

E. Craig Hendricks

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This meditation healing exercise engages your Guides and Angels to support building your energy and allows healing energies from the Source of all Healing to flow throughout your body and fully charge each cell within your body with Healing Frequencies.

This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not use this meditation while driving a

This meditation healing exercise engages your Guides and Angels to support building your energy and allows healing energies from the Source of all Healing to flow throughout your body and fully charge each cell within your body with Healing Frequencies.

This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not use this meditation while driving a vehicle or operating heavy Equipment. Background Music JOURNEY INNER PEACE MEDITATION at 43 HZ GAMMA BINAURAL BEATS: matt_gerry/Pond5

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Mary Magdalene's My Heart is Your Heart 432 Hz - 639 Hz

E. Craig Hendricks

This is a recording of the "My Heart is Your Heart. Your Heart is My Heart," statement of union with loved ones given by Mary Magdalene to Brook Foster. Many of us have taken this statement of union and used it as a prayer of communion with the Spirit and our loved ones. It is eighteen minutes of the My Heart is Your Heart; Your Heart is My Heart

This is a recording of the "My Heart is Your Heart. Your Heart is My Heart," statement of union with loved ones given by Mary Magdalene to Brook Foster. Many of us have taken this statement of union and used it as a prayer of communion with the Spirit and our loved ones. It is eighteen minutes of the My Heart is Your Heart; Your Heart is My Heart intention embedded within what seems to be a quiet recording. Try listening to this recording during a time of silence or during a time of prayer to find out for yourself the power of the embedded intention My Heart is Your Heart; Your Heart is My Heart.

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Hi Guys,


I have had several incredible sessions the last couple of days; first, with the Bengston Northwest Group and with Mary Magdalene's Spirit Walkers; and this morning, with a Meditation with Jennifer Rose.. The subject came up of the body and the

Hi Guys,


I have had several incredible sessions the last couple of days; first, with the Bengston Northwest Group and with Mary Magdalene's Spirit Walkers; and this morning, with a Meditation with Jennifer Rose.. The subject came up of the body and the challenges of dealing with those areas we contend with.

I know it is a challenge. I know it is hard at times and even overwhelming. But, our bodies are the reflection of our Souls. They are this amazing expression of who we are as spiritual beings even with all the challenges. And, our bodies are this amazing creation given to us by our Creator. And we are the perfect reflection of our Creator. Our Creator is love. and Love beget Love. Our entire universe was born that instant. We were born in that instant. Love beget Love. We are Love.

Last night we talked about Walt Whitman. "I Sing the Body Electric" was first published in his book of Poetry Leaves of Grass in 1855. The poem "I Sing the Body Electric" did not come into its final form until 1867. In some of the lines of the poem one can see references to times before the Civil War and reflections after. Most notably the use of the word "electric" was not in common parlance until after the Civil War. I do not know of another poet who most clearly could describe the Soul of America. But, Walt Whitman did so and at the same time described the beauty of God's creation in the human body and saw that it was a window to our Soul.

I recorded the Poem for you my friends and mixed it with a Solfeggio 528 Hz entitled appropriately "Life Force". I hope you all enjoy it. It is a gift just because we can read, listen, work, run, swim, strive, and sing. Just because! Our only limitations are ourselves. Walking hand-in-hand with spirit there is no challenge we cannot face with Love and Light for Spirit is with us always. Our perfect co-creation partner IS ALWAYS WITH US on this spiritual adventure we have chosen to pursue.

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Journey to River of Life 417 Hz Solfeggio & Gamma Binaural

Craig Hendricks

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This meditation was given to me through a Lucid dream where I was taken to the River of Life and shown how to merge into union with the Creative and Healing Energies pouring into the universe from the Creator. Background music within this guided meditation is tuned to Solfeggio 417 Hz as the carrier wave for the 65 Hz Gamma binaural beats and

This meditation was given to me through a Lucid dream where I was taken to the River of Life and shown how to merge into union with the Creative and Healing Energies pouring into the universe from the Creator. Background music within this guided meditation is tuned to Solfeggio 417 Hz as the carrier wave for the 65 Hz Gamma binaural beats and monaural beats. 417 Hz is associated with easing and initiating change, clearing blockages, and negativity. Gamma helps with mental clarity, peak awareness, feelings of joy, love, and connection. Stock Media provided by ThinkrootRecords / Pond5. Do not use this meditation while operating a vehicle or heavy equipment. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only.

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Chakra Energy Development with the Magdalene Sisters: Gamma Brainwave Binaural Beats

E. Craig Hendricks

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This is a beautiful meditation that connects the meditator with Mary Magdalene's Sisters to support the meditator's intention to develop their personal energy centers. The music score behind the Meditation is a beautiful Gamma Brainwave Binaural Beats piece composed by Rebecca Reads.

This recording is for entertainment purposed only. Do not use

This is a beautiful meditation that connects the meditator with Mary Magdalene's Sisters to support the meditator's intention to develop their personal energy centers. The music score behind the Meditation is a beautiful Gamma Brainwave Binaural Beats piece composed by Rebecca Reads.

This recording is for entertainment purposed only. Do not use this meditation while operating heavy equipment or driving a car.

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Meeting With Spirits Circle Meditation 963 HZ Solfeggio Frequency

E. Craig Hendricks

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This meditation supports the individual to build their personal Christ-light frequency, connect with others of the same Christ-light, and connect to Spiritual Masters, Guides, Friends, family, and even Christ-light level intelligence from other worlds. The 2-hour background music for this track is a beautiful Love Meditation at 963 HZ Solfeggio

This meditation supports the individual to build their personal Christ-light frequency, connect with others of the same Christ-light, and connect to Spiritual Masters, Guides, Friends, family, and even Christ-light level intelligence from other worlds. The 2-hour background music for this track is a beautiful Love Meditation at 963 HZ Solfeggio Frequency that supports developing and maintaining the highest Christ-light frequency within a practice circle when reaching out to Spirit that is long enough to maintain a love frequency for any meeting with Spirits for multiple parties within the Circle. The licensing agreement is provided by Composer Didier Poglio/Teramengala Meditations/Pond5 Publishing.

This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not operate heavy equipment or drive a vehicle while listening to this meditation.

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Personal and Team Energy Building to Visit Spirit 528 Hz Solfeggio Binaural Beats

Craig Hendricks

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This meditation has been provided by Mary Magdalene to support the meditator’s personal and Team Energy Building to be able to enter into Mary Magdalene's Domain to receive Healing and Guidance from Friends, Family, Guides, and Angels. Background music includes 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency to support personal transformation and Binaural Beats to

This meditation has been provided by Mary Magdalene to support the meditator’s personal and Team Energy Building to be able to enter into Mary Magdalene's Domain to receive Healing and Guidance from Friends, Family, Guides, and Angels. Background music includes 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency to support personal transformation and Binaural Beats to enhance focus during the meditation. Do not listen to this meditation while operating heavy equipment. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Stock Media provided by SoundVessel / Pond5

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Mary's Guided Journey to reunite with Family 417 Hz Solfeggio & 0.3 Hz Binaural Beats Epsilon

Craig Hendricks

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This meditation was given to me by Mary to help those on this side of the veil of life to reunite with family and loved ones who have transitioned. Many who have used this meditation report following its guidance helps them access a domain where they can meet their friends and family; and where they can find love and healing. This meditation is

This meditation was given to me by Mary to help those on this side of the veil of life to reunite with family and loved ones who have transitioned. Many who have used this meditation report following its guidance helps them access a domain where they can meet their friends and family; and where they can find love and healing. This meditation is tuned to a 417 Hz Solfeggio Frequency and uses 417 Hz as the carrier frequency for the 0.3 Hz Epsilon binaural beats and monaural beats. 417 Hz is associated with easing and initiating change, clearing negativity & blockages. Epsilon Brainwaves help with mental clarity, peak awareness, feelings of Oneness, joy, wholeness, and connection. The use of this meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not listen to this meditation while operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle. Stock Media provided by ThinkrootRecords / Pond5

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Return to Gratitude with Mary Magdalene 43 HZ Gamma Binaural

E. Craig Hendricks

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This meditation begins with words that were channeled from Mary Magdalene describing the importance of Gratitude. Mary then guides the meditator on a journey to remember those moments of pure Thankfulness they have experienced in this life. This perfect state of gratitude, as Mary says, can move mountains. Then, Mary offers her hand to each

This meditation begins with words that were channeled from Mary Magdalene describing the importance of Gratitude. Mary then guides the meditator on a journey to remember those moments of pure Thankfulness they have experienced in this life. This perfect state of gratitude, as Mary says, can move mountains. Then, Mary offers her hand to each participant to walk them through this meditation to that perfect place or moment of thankfulness in their lives. By immersing themselves in these memories, individuals can cultivate a sense of profound Oneness and can transmit those ecstatic state energies supercharging their intentions and endeavors. By revisiting these experiences with Mary, participants can learn to cultivate a sense of personal joy that knows no limit, even in the midst of life's challenges.

Our background instrumental designed for this meditation resonates with the Heart Chakra and it contains a Binaural Beat frequency at 43 Hz to access a Gamma Brainwave State supporting the enhanced memory, focus, and concentration helping to induce a meditative state that has been associated with connecting to a transcendent experience. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not listen to this recording while operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle. Background music has been acquired on license from Matt_Gerry/Pond5.

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Return to Ecstasy with Mary Magdalene 43 HZ Gamma Binaural Beats

Craig Hendricks

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This meditation begins with a description of a perfect energized state of union with the All That Is that has been described as ecstasy by Mary Magdalene. Mary then gives guidance on the challenge of the current state and how to return to the state of Oneness that has been experienced by the soul at its perfect moment of creation. This perfect

This meditation begins with a description of a perfect energized state of union with the All That Is that has been described as ecstasy by Mary Magdalene. Mary then gives guidance on the challenge of the current state and how to return to the state of Oneness that has been experienced by the soul at its perfect moment of creation. This perfect state of union, many mystics have experienced and described as pure ecstasy. Indeed, Mary offers her hand to each participant to walk them through this meditation to that perfect connection, Oneness, and bliss described as ecstasy they once knew and can now recall. During this meditation, participants are encouraged to return to that moment where they can see and join with the Creator of All That Is when they experienced a perfect connection mentally, emotionally, and spiritually; when they felt a deep and transcendent Union with the All That Is. By immersing themselves in these memories, individuals can cultivate a sense of profound Oneness and can transmit those ecstatic state energies supercharging their intentions and endeavors. By revisiting these experiences with Mary, participants can learn to cultivate a sense of personal joy that knows no limit, even in the midst of life's challenges.

Our background instrumental designed for this meditation resonates with the Heart Chakra and it contains a Binaural Beat frequency at 43 Hz to access a Gamma Brainwave State supporting the enhanced memory, focus, and concentration helping to induce a meditative state that has been associated with connecting to a transcendent experience. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not listen to this recording while operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle. Background music has been acquired on license from Matt_Gerry/Pond5.

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Return to Peace Meditation with Mary Magdalene 43 HZ Gamma Binaural

Craig Hendricks

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This meditation begins with an introduction and invitation by Mary Magdalene to return to the Peace that has been experienced by the soul at its perfect moment of creation. Indeed, Mary offers her hand to each participant to walk them through this meditation to that perfect Peace they once knew and can now recall. During this meditation,

This meditation begins with an introduction and invitation by Mary Magdalene to return to the Peace that has been experienced by the soul at its perfect moment of creation. Indeed, Mary offers her hand to each participant to walk them through this meditation to that perfect Peace they once knew and can now recall. During this meditation, participants are encouraged to recall a moment, or other times, in their life when they experienced perfect peace both mentally and emotionally; when they felt a deep and transcendent PEACE. By immersing themselves in these feelings, individuals can cultivate a sense of profound peace and can transmit that peace to others. By revisiting these peaceful experiences with Mary, participants can learn to cultivate a sense of inner peace, even in the midst of life's challenges. Peace meditation can reduce stress and anxiety, and promote emotional stability.

Our background instrumental designed for this meditation resonates with the Heart Chakra and it contains a Binaural Beat frequency at 43 Hz to access a Gamma Brainwave State supporting the enhanced memory, focus, and concentration helping to induce a meditative state that has been associated with connecting to a transcendent experience. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not listen to this recording while operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle. Background music has been acquired on license from Matt_Gerry/Pond5.

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Chakra Charging & Balancing 417 Hz Solfeggio & 0.3 Epsilon Binaural Beats

E. Craig Hendricks

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This guided meditation is an energy-focused exercise that was given to me by my Guides who were assigned to work with me by Mary Magdalene. It combines elements of meditation, visualization, and energy work to help individuals connect with higher spiritual energies, balance their chakras, and promote a sense of well-being. Background music is

This guided meditation is an energy-focused exercise that was given to me by my Guides who were assigned to work with me by Mary Magdalene. It combines elements of meditation, visualization, and energy work to help individuals connect with higher spiritual energies, balance their chakras, and promote a sense of well-being. Background music is tuned to 417 Hz Solfeggio frequency as the carrier wave for 0.3 Hz Epsilon binaural beats and monaural beats. 417 Hz is associated with easing and initiating change, clearing negativity and blockages. Epsilon helps with mental clarity, peak awareness, feelings of Oneness, joy, wholeness, and connection.

This meditation is used for entertainment purposes only and should not be used when operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle. Stock Media provided by ThinkrootRecords / Pond5

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Journey to Sanctuary and Higher Self Guidance: Guided Meditation only w/o Background Music

E. Craig Hendricks

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This meditation has a profound impact on the participants. Our participants find it leading to various unique and transformative experiences. These experiences ranged from encounters with figures like angels, other transcendent-like beings, and even past acquaintances to deep dives into inner landscapes, channels of energy, and a sense of unity

This meditation has a profound impact on the participants. Our participants find it leading to various unique and transformative experiences. These experiences ranged from encounters with figures like angels, other transcendent-like beings, and even past acquaintances to deep dives into inner landscapes, channels of energy, and a sense of unity with higher selves. For many of our participants the meditation seems to open up different doors and perspectives for each individual, allowing them to explore their inner realms and discover meaningful insights. The interconnectedness of these experiences and the synchronicities that emerged during the sharing session further highlight the power of guided meditation to tap into the subconscious and explore the depths of the mind. Overall, this meditation contributes to creating a thought-provoking and enlightening session that contributes to inner growth and self-discovery through meditation.

This recording is to be used for entertainment purposes only. Do not use this recording while driving a vehicle or operating heavy equipment.

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Meditation for Young Men

Craig Hendricks

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This meditation was given to me from the Spirit of Man in an automatic writing session to reach out to the young men of today and help them understand who and what they are and find their path to wholeness. This meditation music is tuned to RE 417 Hz as the carrier frequency for the 65 Hz Gamma Binaural Beats and monaural beats. 417 Hz is

This meditation was given to me from the Spirit of Man in an automatic writing session to reach out to the young men of today and help them understand who and what they are and find their path to wholeness. This meditation music is tuned to RE 417 Hz as the carrier frequency for the 65 Hz Gamma Binaural Beats and monaural beats. 417 Hz is associated with easing and initiating change, cleansing negativity and blockages, Gamma helps with mental clarity, peak awareness, feelings of joy, love, and connection. This recording is used for entertainment purposes only. Do not operate heavy equipment or drive a vehicle while listening to the meditation.

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Healing Meditation with Angels in Alpha Binaural Beats Entrainment

Craig Hendricks

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This is a powerful Energy and Healing Self Development meditation with a background musical score using Alpha Brainwave Entrainment involving a Binaural Beats protocol. It comes from a collection where each version has a unique background Binaural Beats musical score, In the Album, each meditation consists of a recording of the meditation with

This is a powerful Energy and Healing Self Development meditation with a background musical score using Alpha Brainwave Entrainment involving a Binaural Beats protocol. It comes from a collection where each version has a unique background Binaural Beats musical score, In the Album, each meditation consists of a recording of the meditation with Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, or Gamma Binaural Beats Entrainment. While each of the recordings can be utilized separately for their own particular benefit, this recording is also available in Album form with all five Binaural Beats entrainment protocols under the Spiritual Discovery Albums Page in the Menu. This program is for the serious Spiritual Explorer who is interested in a personal discovery of Energy Development and Energy Healing within each Binaural Beats Brainwave State.

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Angel Energy Healing Intentions 43 Hz Gamma Binaural Beats

Craig Hendricks

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This meditation was given to me to support the meditators’ journey into healing and personal aura energy development. Background music within this guided meditation is for the Heart Chakra. It contains a 43 Hz Binaural Beat to induce a Gamma brainwave meditative state. Gamma helps with mental clarity, peak awareness, feelings of joy, love, and

This meditation was given to me to support the meditators’ journey into healing and personal aura energy development. Background music within this guided meditation is for the Heart Chakra. It contains a 43 Hz Binaural Beat to induce a Gamma brainwave meditative state. Gamma helps with mental clarity, peak awareness, feelings of joy, love, and connection. This meditation is not to be used while driving a vehicle or operating heavy equipment. The meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Stock Media provided by matt_gerry / Pond5

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Mary's Guide to Rejoin with Family 528 Hz Binaural

Crag Hendricks

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This Healing Meditation was provided by Mary Magdalene to support the first steps of anyone new to meditation to rejoin with their family who have transitioned to the other side of the veil of life. Many who have used this meditation have been able to reunite with loved ones and reconnect to the unconditional love of their family. Background music

This Healing Meditation was provided by Mary Magdalene to support the first steps of anyone new to meditation to rejoin with their family who have transitioned to the other side of the veil of life. Many who have used this meditation have been able to reunite with loved ones and reconnect to the unconditional love of their family. Background music includes a Healing Calm Meditative Music-Binaural 528 Hz (With rain sounds)> Stock Media provided by SoundVessel / Pond5. Do not listen to this meditation while operating a vehicle or heavy equipment. The meditation is for entertainment purposes only.

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Remote Viewing Practice Meditation 100 Hz Gamma Binaural Beats

Craig Hendricks

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This meditation has been provided by Mary Magdalene to support the meditator’s personal and Team Energy Building development practice of being able to receive information through a Remote Viewing Protocol. Background music includes 100HZ Binaural Beats Hemispheric Synchronization connection to a Gamma Brainwave State to enhance connection to a

This meditation has been provided by Mary Magdalene to support the meditator’s personal and Team Energy Building development practice of being able to receive information through a Remote Viewing Protocol. Background music includes 100HZ Binaural Beats Hemispheric Synchronization connection to a Gamma Brainwave State to enhance connection to a remote viewing target. Do not listen to this meditation while operating heavy equipment. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Stock Media provided by TeraMangalaMeditationMusic / Pond5

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