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The directive from Mary for this meditation came through a Magdalene Sister, Brook M. Foster DC, during a group meditation. During the meditation, Mary spoke directly to Brook. Mary's words, “My heart is your heart” and “Your heart is my heart”, began a chain of activity and channeling that resulted in this latest Meditation from Mary. It is a beautiful meditation that reflects on who we are and what we are. It is a meditation on the whole of Creation and the relationship we all have with our Creator. At the end of the meditation, Mary leaves us with a perfect connection to our true family and the universe within the Song of our Creator.

All instruments playing these Solfeggio frequencies are tuned in ancient 432 Hz and 639 Hz. The background music at 432 Hz supports deep focus, energy healing, channeling, and concentration. The Heart Chakra frequency of 639 Hz is added to promote love, relationship, and connection.

This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. Do not listen to this recording while operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle. Background music has been acquired on license from Stock Media provided by Doczky / Pond5