From the recording Meditation for Young Men

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This meditation was given to me from the Spirit of Man in an automatic writing session to reach out to the young men of today and help them understand who and what they are and find their path to wholeness. This meditation music is tuned to RE 417 Hz as the carrier frequency for the 65 Hz Gamma Binaural Beats and monaural beats. 417 Hz is associated with easing and initiating change, cleansing negativity and blockages, Gamma helps with mental clarity, peak awareness, feelings of joy, love, and connection. This recording is used for entertainment purposes only. Do not operate heavy equipment or drive a vehicle while listening to the meditation.


I am you and you are me
Who are you?
What are you?
You are the sentinel of the Tribe.
You are the Lover and Guardian
Of the family blessed by your forebears
You are the hunter
You are the soldier.
You are the explorer
setting foot on distant shores
You are the mystic
Traveling the unseen lands
You are the monster slayer
You are the Freedom Fighter
You are the hand extended
that lifts up.
You are the arms bearing
The next mothers and fathers of the tribe
You are the hero Gilgamesh
In your labors;
In your truth
In your integrity
In your honor.
You are the provider
Bearing the security of today
You carry the dreams
Of those who went before you
You are the word
That enlightens and strengthens
You are the choices and actions
Of an idea for a better future
You are the Demon Slayer
Bringing light into the darkness
You are the Lion
Holding truth and love sacred
You are the pathfinder
Setting a trail through the dark lands
You are the vanquisher
Of the Great Usurper of peace
You are the Subduer
Of the Thief of Dreams
You are the conqueror
Of those who threaten the children
You are the slayer
Of the pillager of innocence
You are the champion of your Tribe
You are the Watchman
of all that is good and holy
You are the exemplar
Of a life that lifts up and strengthens others
You are the keeper
Of dreams that promise a better future
You are the mentor
of the young sons of the tribe
You are the example of manhood
For your daughters.
Straight and tall
In word and deed
You are the leader of young foot soldiers
Young Lions paying their willing levy
for our Tribe
for our ancestors
for our descendants
Your armor shines with the light
Of all our forefathers
Of all our progenies to come
Of the Man you were created to be
In the beginning
In the time before time
You are the breath of God
Blessing the world
Blessing the family
Blessing your brothers and sisters
I am the defender of the Tribe.
I am the Father of my Children
I am the Lover and Guardian
I am the hunter
I am the soldier.
I am the explorer.
I am the mystic
Traveling the unseen lands
I am the Pathfinder
I am the hand extended
that lifts up.
I am the arms bearing
The next
and young warriors of the tribe
I am the example
In our labors;
In our truth
In our integrity
In our honor.
I am the provider
Bearing the security of today
I am the explorer
Journeying to distant shores
Carrying the dreams
Of those who went before
I am the word
That enlightens and strengthens
I am the idea
Of a better future
Giving birth to action
I am the Demon Slayer
Bringing light into the darkness
I am the Lion
Holding truth and love sacred
I am the Pathfinder
Setting a trail through the dark lands
I am the Vanquisher
Of the usurper of peace
I am the Subduer
Of the Thief of Dreams
I am the conqueror
Of those who threaten our children
I am the slayer
Of the pillager of innocence
I am the champion of our Tribe
I am the observer of all that is good and holy
I am the shield
I am the sentinel
Of dreams that promise a better future
I am the mentor
of young sons, young men
I am the example of manhood
For our daughters.
Straight and tall
I am the leader of young foot soldiers
for our Tribe
for our ancestors
for our progeny
My armor shines with the light
Of all our forefathers before
Of all our families to come
I am the Man I was created to be
In the beginning
In the time before time
I am the breath of God
Blessing the world
Blessing the family
Blessing our brothers and sisters
I am one of the many
children of God coming into the world
To save and safeguard my brothers and sisters.