Meditation for Young Men

Craig Hendricks

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This meditation was given to me from the Spirit of Man in an automatic writing session to reach out to the young men of today and help them understand who and what they are and find their path to wholeness. This meditation music is tuned to RE 417 Hz as the carrier frequency for the 65 Hz Gamma Binaural Beats and monaural beats. 417 Hz is

This meditation was given to me from the Spirit of Man in an automatic writing session to reach out to the young men of today and help them understand who and what they are and find their path to wholeness. This meditation music is tuned to RE 417 Hz as the carrier frequency for the 65 Hz Gamma Binaural Beats and monaural beats. 417 Hz is associated with easing and initiating change, cleansing negativity and blockages, Gamma helps with mental clarity, peak awareness, feelings of joy, love, and connection. This recording is used for entertainment purposes only. Do not operate heavy equipment or drive a vehicle while listening to the meditation.

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